четвер, 16 травня 2013 р.

j'etudie japanais!

  • Annunciation お告げの祝日
    The Angel Gabriel appears to Mary, announcing She is to be the Mother of God
  • 天使ガブリエルが表示 されたら、メアリーには、発表される彼女は神の母
    (Lk 1:30-33) - humility (スリランカ1:30-33 -謙虚
    In Nazareth - now Basilica of Annunciationナ ザレで-今の受胎告知聖堂
  • Visitation 面会
    Elizabeth greets Mary: "Blessed art Thou among women and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb!"
  • メアリーエリザベスあ いさつ: "祝福なた女性の間では、果物やなたの祝福子宮! "
    (Lk 1:41-42) - love of neighbor (スリランカ1:41-42 -隣人愛
    In Ein Karem - now Church of the Visitationein karem -今の教会の面会
  • The Nativity - Birth of Our Lord その生まれ-わたしたちの主の誕生
    The Virgin Mary gives birth to the Redeemer of the World.
  • 出産には、聖母マリア には、世界の救い主です。
    (Lk 2:10-11) - poverty (スリランカ2:10-11 -貧困
    In Bethlehem - now Church of the Nativityベ ツレヘムで-今聖誕教会
  • The Presentation of The Child, Jesus in the Temple このプレゼンテーションは、子供は、イエス キリストの寺
    The Blessed Mother presents the Child Jesus in the Temple.
  • 男性の母親は子供の祝 福は、イエスキリストの寺院です。
    (Lk 2:29-52) - obedience (スリランカ2:29-52 -服従させる
    In Jerusalem - The Temple Mountエルサレム-テンプルマウント
  • Finding the Child Jesus in the Temple その子供を見つけるのは、イエスキリストの寺院
    The Blessed Mother finds Jesus in the Temple.
  • イエスキリストの祝福 の母親は、寺を見つける。
    (Lk 2:48-52) - fidelity (スリランカ2:48-52 -フィデリティ
    In Jerusalem - The Temple Mountエルサレム-テンプルマウント

Sorrowful Mysteries悲嘆に暮れている謎

Tuesdays and Fridays火曜日と金曜日
Sundays in Lent日曜早春
  • Agony in the Garden 苦しみの庭
    At Gethsemane, Jesus prays as He contemplates the sins of the world.
  • イエスはゲッセマネcontemplates祈りとして彼は、世界の様々な罪だ。
    (Mt 26: 38-39) - spirit of prayer. (山26 3839 -祈りの精神です。 Sorrow of sin 悲しみの罪
    In Jerusalem - Garden of Gethsemane - now Church of All Nationsエルサレム-庭のゲッ セマネ-今の教会のすべての国
  • Scourging at the Pillar scourgingの柱
    Jesus is cruelly scourged until His mortified body could bear no more.
  • イエスは彼の苦行を体 の可能性までむごくscourgedこちら有しません。
    (John 19-1) - modesty, purity (ヨハネ19-1 -慎み深さ、純度
    In Jerusalem - Via Dolorosa - now Chapels: Condemnation - Flagellationエルサレム-経由ドロ ローサ-今チャペル:非難を-鞭毛
    (1st - 2nd stations) 1-2局)
  • Crowning with Thorns 戴冠してイバラ
    A crown of thorns is placed on the head of Jesus.
  • イバラの冠を頭の上に 置かれたイエスです。
    (Mk 15: 16-17) - courage (マケドニア15 16-17 -勇気
    In Jerusalem - Via Dolorosa - now Chapels: Condemnation - Flagellationエルサレム-経由ドロ ローサ-今チャペル:非難を-鞭毛
    (3rd station) 3駅)
  • Carrying the Cross 帳簿の十字架
    Jesus carries the heavy cross upon His shoulders to Calvary.
  • 重い十字架のイエス運 ぶ時、肩をカルヴァリー。
    (Jn 19:17) - patience in suffering (日本人1917分) -忍耐の苦しみ
    In Jerusalem - Via Dolorosaエルサレム-経由ドロローサ
    (4th - 9th stations) 4-9日、ステーショ ン)
  • The Crucifixion of Our Lord 私たちの主のはりつけ
    Jesus is nailed to the Cross and dies after hours of Agony.
  • イエスキリストが十字 架を得たいと時間の苦しみの後に死ぬ。
    (Jn 19: 28-30) - self denial, perseverance (日本人19 :二八から三〇まで) -自己否定、忍耐
    In Jerusalem - now Church of Holy Sepulchreエ ルサレム-今の教会の聖s epulchre
    (10th - 14th stations) 10-1 4日ステー ション)

Glorious Mysteries栄光の謎

Wednesdays and Saturdays水曜日と土曜日
Sundays after Easter until Advent復活祭後の日曜日ま で出現
  • Resurrection 復活
    Jesus rises glorious and immortal, three days after His death.
  • イエスキリスト栄光と 不滅の上昇は、 3日後に彼の死。
    (Mk 16:6-7) - faith (マケドニア16:6-7 -信仰
    In Jerusalem - now Church of Holy Sepulchreエ ルサレム-今の教会の聖s epulchre
  • Ascension of Our Lord 私たちの主の昇天
    Jesus ascends into Heaven forty days after His Resurrection.
  • イエス様を天に上昇し た40日後に復活します。
    (Lk 24: 44-53) - hope (スリランカ24 :四十四から五十三) -希望
    In Jerusalem - Mount of Olives - now Church of the Pater Noster
  • エルサレム-マウントのオリーブ-今 の教会の主の祈り
  • Descent of the Holy Spirit 聖霊の降下
    The Holy Spirit descends upon Mary and the Apostles.聖霊は、使徒とメアリー下っている。
    (Jn 14:15-21) - wisdom, love of God, Fortitude, zeal (日本人14:15-21 -知恵は、神の愛、不屈の精神は、熱意
    In Jerusalem - The Upper Roomエルサレム-上段の部屋
  • Assumption of Our Lady into Heaven 聖母被昇天天国へ
    The Blessed Mother is united with her Divine Son in Heaven.
  • ユナイテッド祝福し て、彼女の母親は、神の息子は、天国です。
    (Song 2:3-6) - grace of happy death (歌2:3-6 -グレースの幸せそうな死
    In Jerusalem - now Church of the Dormitionエ ルサレム-教会は、今すぐd ormition
  • Coronation of Our Lady 聖母マリアの戴冠式
    Mary is Gloriously crowned Queen of Heaven and earth.
  • メアリーは、天と地の 女王gloriouslyカンムリクマタカです。
    (Rev 12:1) - trust in Mary's intercession 1201分活性化) -信頼してメリーの仲裁
    In The New Jerusalem - The Heavenly Jerusalemで、新しいエルサレム-エ ルサレムの天国

ニカイア信条 / The Nicene Creed

I believe in one God,

the Father Almighty,
全能 の父、
maker of heaven and earth,
天 と地のメーカーは、

and of all things visible and invisible;
And in one Lord Jesus Christ,

the only begotten Son of God,

begotten of His Father before all worlds,

God of God, Light of Light,

very God of very God,

begotten, not made, beget

being of one substance with the Father;

by whom all things were made;

who for us men and for our salvation

came down from Heaven,

and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost

of the Virgin Mary,

and was made man;

and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate;
そして我々のもとにもはりつけ pontius pilate ;

He suffered and was buried;

and the third day He rose again
彼は再び上昇し、 3日目

according to the Scriptures,

and ascended into Heaven,

and sitteth on the right hand of the Father;

and He shall come again, with glory,

to judge both the quick and the dead;

whose kingdom shall have no end.

And I believe in the Holy Ghost the Lord, and Giver of Life,
私を信じていると、 主の聖霊は、寄贈者の生活とは、

who proceedeth from the Father [and the Son]; proceedeth人の父親から[や息子] ;

who with the Father and the Son together

is worshipped and glorified;

who spake through the Prophets. speak

And I believe one holy Catholic and Apostolic Church;
と思うと1つの神聖なカトリック教 会の使徒;

I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins; 1

and I look for the resurrection of the dead,

and the life of the world to come.


Another version of

ニカイア信条 / The Nicene Creed


the Father, the Almighty,

maker of heaven and earth,

of all that is, seen and unseen.

We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,

the only son of God,

eternally begotten of the Father,

God from God, Light from Light,

true God from true God,

begotten, not made, beget

of one being with the Father.

Through Him all things were made.

For us and for our salvation

He came down from Heaven:

by the power of the Holy Spirit

He became incarnate from the Virgin Mary,

and was made man.

For our sake He was crucified under Pontius Pilate;私たちのために十字架につけられていた ために下pontius pilate ;

He suffered death and was buried.

On the third day He rose again

in accordance with the Scriptures;

He ascended into Heaven

and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

He will come again in glory

to judge the living and the dead,

and His kingdom will have no end.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
わたしたちは、聖霊 は、主には、寄贈者の生命、

who proceeds from the Father [and the Son].
誰からの収益の父[や息子] 。

With the Father and the Son

He is worshipped and glorified.

He has spoken through the Prophets.

We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
我々と使徒を信じて1つの神聖な カトリック教会です。

We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
我々の洗礼を認めるための1 つの罪の赦し。

We look for the resurrection of the dead,

and the life of the world to come.

アー メン。

For all the Saints Who From their Labors Rest
 1. Kono yo ni akashi o tate
Mimae nite ikoi tsudou
Saito yue mina o homen.
Hareruya, hareruya.

2. Iwao naru Shu Iesu koso
 Miikusa no takeki kashira,
Yamiji no hikari nareba,
Hareruya, hareruya.

3. Seito no ato ni tsuzuki,
Ooshikare, tsuwamonora yo,
 Mikamuri ukuru hi made.
Hareruya, hareruya.

4. Tatakai hageshiku tomo,
Kachiuta o tooku kikeba,
Chikara wa mata wakiizu.
Hareruya, hareruya.

5. Umi yori mo kuga yori mo,
Utai tsutsu mikado ni iran.
Chichi, miko, mitama no Shu ni,
Hareruya, hareruya.

The Lord is My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want
1. Shu wa waga kainushi ware wa hitsuji,
Mimegumi no moto ni kokoro tare ri.
2. Midori no makiba ni ware o fusase, I
koi no migiwa ni tomonai tamou.
3. Waga tamashii o ba Shu wa ikashi te,
Tadashiki michi ni so michibiki tamou.
4. Shi no kage no tani o waga yuku tomo,
Nayami o osoreji, Shu tomo ni masu.
Kyrie eleison
Shu yo, awaremi tamae,
Shu yo, awaremi tamae,
Shu yo, awaremi tamae.
Kirisuto yo, awaremi tamae,
Kirisuto yo, awaremi tamae,
Kirisuto yo, awaremi tamae.
Shu yo, awaremi tamae,
Shu yo, awaremi tamae,
Shu yo, awaremi tamae.
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus
 Sei naru kana, sei naru kana, sei naru kana,
Ame naru Mikami, bangun no Shu yo.
 Shu no tagui naki miitsu, ame tsuchi ni michi miteri.
 Ito takaki tokoro ni hosana.
Aa homu beki kana, homu beki kana,
Sei naru mina ni yori kitari tamou Shu yo,
Ito takaki tokoro ni hosana,
Ito takaki tokoro ni hosana.
Agnus Dei, Qui tollis peccata mundi
Yo no tsumi o nozoku ue mo naku sei naru,
Mikami no kohitsuji yo, warera o awaremi tamae.
Yo no tsumi o nozoku ue mo naki kohitsuji yo,
Warera o awaremi tamae.
Yo no tsumi o nozoku ue mo naku sei naru,
Mikami no kohitsuji yo, warera ni yasuki o tamae.
Pange, lingua, gloriosi praelium certaminis
1. Kachiuta utaite shoori o iwae,
Sekai no sukui o jujika no ue ni
Nashi toge tamaishi Shu o home matsure.
2. Konomi o kuraishi Adamu no tsumi wo
 Ninaite waga Shu wa kurushimi nayami,
Konomi no noroi o nozoki tamaeri.
3. Sukui no miwaza ni horobosu mono no
 Takumi mo atonaku uchi yaburarete,
Jujika wa sukui no moto to wa narinu.
4. Tootoki jujika yo, yo ni tagui naki
Kedakaki megumi no hana saku ki yori,
Sukui no kaori o yutaka ni hanate.
5. Chichi, miko, mitama no hitori no Kami ni,
 Kono yo no mono mina homeuta sasagen,
 "Misakae, michikara, tokiwa ni areya."
What Chilid is This, Who Laid to Rest?
 1. Mitsukai utaite makibito tsudoeba,
Itoshiki midorigo shizukani nemure.
Imazo mukaen, warera no kimi o ba,
Tomo ni iwawan, warera no Shu o ba.
2. Ibuseki umaya ni umareshi kimi koso,
Aganai kiyomuru sukuinushi nare ya.
3. Izaiza takara o tazusae isoge ya,
 Kiyokeki yorokobi afururu koyoi.
O Holy Night, The Stars Are Brighly Shining
1. Sayaka ni hoshi wa kirameki,
Miko Iesu umare tamou.
Nagaku mo yamiji o tadori
Meshia o materu tamini,
Atarashiki asa wa kitari
Sakae aru hi wa noboru.
Iza kike, mitsukai utau
 Taenaru amatsu miuta wo,
 Medetashi, kiyoshi koyoi.
2. Kagayaku hoshi o tayori ni
Tabi seshi hakase no goto,
Shinkoo no hikari ni yorite
Warera mo mimae ni tatsu.
Umabune ni nemuru miko wa
 Kimi no kimi, Shu no Shu nari.
 Warera no onomi o ninai,
Yasuki o tamau tame ni to
Kitareru Kami no ko nari.
3. "Tagai ni aise yo," to toki,
Heiwa no michi o oshie,
Subete no kubiki o kobochi,
Jiyuu o atae tamou.
Ge ni Shu koso heiwa no kimi,
Tagui naki ai no hito,
Tsutae yo, sono otozure wo,
Hirome yo, kiyoki miwaza wo,
Tatae yo, koe no kagiri.
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty
1. Seinaru, seinaru, seinaru kana,
Mitsu ni imashite hitotsu naru
Kami no mina o ba asamadaki
Okiidete koso home matsure.
2. Seinaru, seinaru, seinaru kana,
Kamino mimae ni seito ra mo,
Kamuri o sutete fushi ogami,
Mitsukai tachi mo mina o homu.
3. Seinaru, seinaru, seinaru kana,
Tsumi aru me ni wa miene do mo,
 Miitsukushimi no michi tareru
Kami no sakae zo tagui naki.
4. Seinaru, seinaru, seinaru kana,
Mite no waza naru mono mina wa,
Mitsu ni imashite hitotsu naru
Kami no oomina home matsuran.
Silent Night
1. Kiyoshi kono yoru hoshi wa hikari
Sukui no miko wa mabune no naka ni
Nemuri tamou, ito yasuku.
2. Kiyoshi kono yoru mitsuge ukeshi
Makibito tachi wa miko no mimae ni
 Nukazuki nu, kashikomi te.
3. Kiyoshi kono yoru miko no emi ni,
Megumi no miyo no ashita no hikari
Kagayakeri, hogarakani. 
Adeste Fideles, Laeti Triumphantes
1. Kami no miko wa koyoi shi mo
Betsurehemu ni umare tamou.
Iza ya tomo yo, morotomo ni
 Isogi yuki te ogamazu ya.
2. Shizu no me o ba haha to shite
Umare mashishi midorigo wa,
Makoto no Kami, kimi no kimi,
Isogi yuki te ogamazu ya.
3. "Kami ni sakae are kashi," to,
Mitsukai ra no koe su nari.
Chi naru hito mo tatae tsutsu
Isogi yukite ogamazu ya.
4. Tokoshinae no mikotoba wa
Ima zo hito to nari tamou.
Machi nozomi shi Shu no tami yo,
Ono ga sachi o iwawazu ya.
Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat!
Shu wa kachi, Shu wa sube, Shu wa osame tamou.

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